Liz Braun Portfolio
Liz Braun
Web Design | UI/UX Design


Picture of Liz

My name is Liz Braun, a web and UI/UX designer based in the greater New York area.

My work and studies have primarily focused on web and UI/UX design, but I also have a background in motion graphics, graphic design, app design, and fine arts such as digital art, painting, and drawing. Through my academic and professional experiences, I have gained many skills in communication, teamwork, collaboration, and presenting my own work and ideas. I strongly value others' opinions and love receiving and utilizing feedback for my designs.

Some other random likes and interests I have are musical theater, video games, dogs, baseball (the Yankees in particular), a good New Jersey bagel, and the beach.

I received a B.A. from the University of Connecticut in Digital Media & Design with a concentration in Web/Interactive Media Design. I also completed a minor in Communications.

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Questions, comments or concerns? I'd love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me through any of the ways below!